Monday, January 26, 2015

Afridev hand pump security system : options tested by Inter Aide, BASEDA and TIMMS

Afridev pumps have been designed to be easily maintained at community level: the fast wearing spare-parts (U-seal, Rod centralizer, Bush bearing, Bobbin, and O-ring) are easily accessible and their required replacement is facilitated. In theory this regular maintenance avoids major breakdowns.
But it has also for consequence that it is easier for thieves to dismantle the pump and to steal elements, especially when the water point is isolated from the village. Some spare parts are expensive (rods) and can be illegally sold.
The protection of the pumps is therefore an important concern to sustain the water access in rural areas. To cope with this problem, Inter Aide and its partner the local NGO BASEDA (including TIMMS its local branch for the south) designed and implemented various systems in their respective areas of intervention to avoid thieves to remove the different parts inside the pump; systems that are tested and improved according to their efficiency and to the local capacities to produce it.

The following note published on Pratiques website is a description of all these security systems.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. looking at problem of easy vandalism of afridev hand pump. ess ess malawi , manufacturer of afridev hand pump developed locking kit with hot dip galvanized for long life in malawi and helps community and organizations to protect community boreholes. ess ess malawi works on more technical structure of afridev hand pump to maintain and sustain supply chain network. visit: for more details.

  3. clean drinking water issues are always critical and 80% people of malawi drinks borehole water to survive with their families. there are many abandon borehole in malawi and the reason is just little repair and change of small spares. these are abandon because of lack of knowledge in communities. program initiated by interaide of training to area mechanics will definitely change the forture of malawi.
